
pensieri casuali leggendo Spark of the Resistance

– parte 2

La reputazione di Hux è tremenda. Ma ci sarà qualcuno che lo rispetta nel Primo Ordine? Credo di no.

(Spiftz)He could finally make a name for himself. If General Hux, a child with a complete lack of vision just blindly following the philosophies of his father, could command a Resurgent-class ship, the most fearsome in all the galaxy, why couldn’t Spiftz?

Rey si chiede per tutto il libro se stanno facendo la cosa giusta e qual è il prezzo da pagare. La riflessione che fa lei “a volte fare la cosa giusta non porta altro che problemi”, un po’ mi fa pensare che non si stia riferendo solo agli avvenimenti del libro, ma a una considerazione più in generale. Non posso non pensare che quando Rey è andata da Kylo, lei pensava di fare la cosa giusta, ma alla fine ne ha anche pagato il prezzo. Meno male che ci sono i porg che la tirano su di morale!

Rey couldn’t help but worry that they’d made a mistake going all the way to the edge of the known galaxy to help people they’d never met. It was the right thing to do, but sometimes doing the right thing led to nothing but trouble.

And didn’t they already have enough problems?

As though it sensed her mood, a porg landed on the control console and cooed soothingly. Rey smiled tightly. “Now, are you Erci or Mady?” she asked.

The porg trilled in response.

La dinamica tra Poe e Rey è tutta giocata su chi è più bravo come pilota. Poe sente minacciato il suo primato di pilota migliore in circolazione (da tipico maschietto), ma almeno è abbastanza sincero da parlarne con Rey e di fare un po’ ammenda. Mi ricorda molto come aveva giudicato superficialmente anche Holdo in TLJ (vedendola al comando al posto suo) anche se in quel caso non c’è stato un chiarimento. Sono curiosa di vedere come sarà la dinamica tra Poe e Zorii. Poe sembra avere una oggettiva difficoltà con le donne: sia con Rey che con Holdo (ma anche con Leia marginalmente) ed è restio a riconoscerne le decisioni e il valore. Credo che Zorii sarà l’unica con cui questo tipo di problema non ci sarà, ovviamente, soprattutto se sarà il suo love interest.

Poe jogged into the cockpit and strapped into the seat next to Rey. He still wore a goofy grin from their battle, and Rey tried not to scowl at him. At least one of them was having fun.

“Are you okay?” he asked as BB-8 rolled in and beeped a similar inquiry.

“Great, just trying to get us to the planet without any further disaster.”

Poe nodded and stared out the window at the star-studded inky blackness before them. “That was some really great flying back there. I’m sorry I doubted you,” he said.

Rey turned as much as the seat belt would allow. “What do you mean, you doubted me? You didn’t think I was a good enough pilot to outrun a few TIE fighters?”

Poe’s expression turned contrite. “Yes, I know you’re an okay pilot, but you even said yourself that you haven’t been flying that long, just since you left Jakku. I kind of figured I was better at it than you, and now that I’m saying it out loud I realize how much that makes me sound like a jerk.” Poe took a deep breath and let it out, his expression troubled. “I know you’re a great pilot, okay? I just sometimes forget that I’m not the only great pilot. And don’t say a word about the First Order destroying my ships,” he said with a pointed glance at BB-8.

Rey pressed her lips together and said nothing, but the porg on the control console screeched before flying away. She didn’t know Poe that well, but his doubt in her abilities stung, even when he was apologizing for doubting her.

“Are you mad at me?” Poe asked.

“No, I just didn’t know you didn’t think I was a good pilot.”

“Why did you think I kept asking to fly?” Poe asked, amazed.

“I thought you just wanted to fly!” Rey said. “You are a little bit of a control freak.”

“What? I am not,” Poe said. BB-8 beeped a reply from the corridor that made Poe scowl. “Okay, maybe a little bit. Either way, I was apologizing!”

“And I appreciate your apology,” Rey said.

L’arma che il Primo Ordine cerca è un dispositivo di controllo mentale. Una volta azionato genera un suono che fa controllare chiunque lo ascolti. Questo è il secondo libro del nuovo canone dove leggo di un dispositivo capace di controllare le masse. In Last Shot in realtà c’era un sistema in grado di controllare qualsiasi droide… Mi chiedo se tutti questi indizi porteranno a qualcosa.

Echo Horn. It is, as you know, a weapon that has the ability to use sound to control any group that hears its call.

Rey continua a non capire come usare la Forza a suo vantaggio e ne è sempre più frustrata.

Rey pressed her lips together and shook her head. “It doesn’t work that way. The Force isn’t just a comm unit I can turn off and on.”

“Maybe you could try?” Rose asked with a small smile. “This jungle is really thick, and who knows what could be out there. A little help from the Force would go a long way.”

Rey sighed and closed her eyes. She reached for that part of her that always felt connected to life, to the galaxy and everyone in it. The connection was there as usual, bright and strong, and it made her glad. She took a deep breath and let it out, and then she sent a question toward that connection.

Where are the people we’re here to help? she thought.

She waited a few long seconds before opening her eyes. Both Poe and Rose watched her expectantly, and Rey shrugged. “No luck,” she said.

Il Millenium Falcon è davvero il simbolo più potente della ribellione. E’ la materializzazione speranza stessa e per questo nel momento in cui vedrò Ben Solo entrarci di nuovo, avrò la certezza che andrà tutto bene…

“The Millennium Falcon is the most coveted ship in all of the galaxy. It has a history going all the way back to the days of the Empire. It’s a symbol of resistance and hope, and capturing it, as well as the rebels on board, would be a coup of unprecedented proportions. 

Poe è proprio pieno di sé. Gli piace essere il ragazzo poster della Resistenza e ne è soddisfatto.

“Thank goodness you’re okay!” Rose said, her lips pressed together with concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I was spotted by stormtroopers, though. And they recognized me!”

“Oh, that’s bad,” Rey said.

“I mean, maybe,” Poe said, grinning from ear to ear. “The First Order knows who I am!”

Nel Primo Ordine conoscono Poe da una caratteristica ben precisa: i capelli. ahahaha. I capelli sono sempre stati importanti in Star Wars. ^__^ (ma mi spiace Poe, Kylo ti batte)

“Did you recognize any of the Resistance fighters that engaged you?”

“Yes, sir. Poe Dameron was among the group. He disappeared under some brush, but when we searched the area, all we found was debris.”

“How do you know it was Poe Dameron?” Spiftz asked.

The stormtrooper shifted slightly. “Who else has that hair?”

Il percorso per far mettere la testa a posto a Poe continua anche in questo libro. Come in TLJ, lui capisce che a volte la vittoria non vale le vite che mette in gioco e saltare d’impulso in una missione non è la scelta giusta.

Before, he would’ve demanded that they find the labs in the dark, repair the Falcon, and take the First Order by surprise. It would be impulsive and risky, and later he’d wonder if it had been a good idea. But after everything that had happened and all the friends he’d lost, including Rose’s sister, Poe was more cautious. Victory wasn’t worth lives, and with so few allies left, he had to be smarter about taking risks. And no matter what their chances of success looked like, a good night’s rest was key.

La nostra eroina continua a non trovare pace. Lei sente che dovrebbe avere una marcia in più rispetto agli altri grazie alla Forza, ma in realtà non è così.  Rose cerca di consolarla, ma Rey sente sempre di più il peso delle aspettative.

Poe sank into a fluffy chair and kicked his feet out, sighing. It felt nice to have a moment just to relax, 

But Rey was nowhere near as relaxed. She scowled as she dropped her staff next to the door, her pack falling beside it, and carefully removed the holster that held her blaster. “If I was better at this whole Force thing then I’d probably have an answer.”

“I don’t know, maybe,” Rose said, dropping into a chair similar to the one Poe lounged in. She leaned back against the strange purple material. “But maybe you’re doing exactly what the Force wants you to. Isn’t that how the Force works? Everything happens for a reason, even if that reason isn’t clear until after everything has calmed down.

Rey sente che è a un punto di svolta. (?!?)

“I feel like everything matters, more and more,” Rey said. “Something about this place, something about the work we’re doing here, it feels important. Like a turning point.”

Rose nodded. “I feel that way, too. It’s because we know how bad the First Order is, and how important it is that it’s stopped.”

Come ci è stato già detto in Aftermath, l’Impero ha lasciato laboratori un po’ ovunque. Ne vedremo uno anche in TROS?

The Forbidden Lands were indeed an old laboratory.

“Do you think this was an Imperial laboratory?” Rey asked.

Rose pointed to a sign, which advised all members of the lab to update their process logs often. “That looks like the Empire’s official seal right there.”

Uno dei pochi accenni a Kylo Ren. Ahahah. Sono sicura che sarebbe felice di vedere Rey…. ma posso scommettere che non gliene frega nulla di Poe!

A line of stormtroopers and a First Order officer stepped from the shadows, blasters pointed at the rebels. Poe and Rey exchanged glances before raising their hands in surrender.

“Well, what a delightful surprise. Rey, I believe it is? Supreme Leader Kylo Ren will be very happy to see that I’ve claimed you as a prize.” Before Rey could comment, the man dismissed her and turned to her companion. “And the famed Poe Dameron.”

Speriamo che a Poe diano in fretta questa nuova nave, magari in uno dei fumetti. E’ tutto il libro che si lamenta e non voglio che sprechino minutaggio in TROS.

Poe really missed his X-wing.

Alla fine Poe riconosce il valore di Rey. Alla buonóra!

“Hey, that was some amazing flying, Rey,” Poe cut in across the comlink. “You really are something else. The Resistance is lucky to have you.”

Immancabile commento “Feccia ribelle”.

“Rebel scum,” he muttered. It was the last thing he ever said.

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