
Le nuove location di Episodio IX

Grazie ad un aggiornamento sui parchi giochi Disney , sappiamo come si chiama la location dove si trovano le rovine della Morte Nera: la luna oceanica Kef Bir. E’ interessante sapere che questa Luna è il pianeta natale di Jannah (Naomie Ackie) e anche di quelle creature simili a cavalli, gli Orbaks.

E’ invece grazie a un Monopoly che scopriamo che il pianeta giungla in cui si allena Rey si chiama Ajan Kloss.

Il pianeta/iceberg invece si chiama Kijimi.


Ewan McGregor e Obi-Wan

In una recente intervista a Men’s Journal, Ewan ha parlato del suo ritorno come Obi-Wan: “È un enorme sollievo, perché per quattro anni ho dovuto mentire alla gente.”

“La trama si colloca tra Episodio III e Episodio IV”, ha detto  “L’Ordine Jedi stava andando in pezzi. Sarà interessante prendere questo personaggio che conosciamo e mostrarlo … beh, il suo arco sarà piuttosto interessante, penso, affrontando il fatto che tutti gli Jedi furono massacrati alla fine di Episodio III. È qualcosa da superare.”

La miniserie avrà sei episodi di un’ora l’uno e sarà ambientata tra Episodio III e Episodio IV.


Poe Dameron ammette i suoi errori nell’estratto di Resistance Reborn

L’estratto del libro Star Wars: Resistance Reborn, Poe Dameron va a cercare aiuto da Maz. La necessità è sempre quella: mezzi per la Resistenza. La situazione è piuttosto buffa perché Poe “disturba” Maz mentre l’anziana saggia fa, sostanzialmente, un trattamento di bellezza in una SPA. ^__^


She narrowed her gaze, taking him in. Judging. “I see arrogance in you. And that is what gets you in trouble, causes pain.”

He flushed, still thinking of the Raddus. “I learned my lesson,” he spit through gritted teeth.

“Have you?”

“I …” Poe collapsed back, resting his head on the floor. He thought about lying, or at least not telling Maz any more than necessary, but she looked at him like she could see right through him, like she al­ready knew the ugly truth.

“You asked me if I was still a leader,” he started, eyes focused on the ceiling. “The truth is that I don’t know. I-I made some mis­takes …”

“Mistakes?” Maz’s tone was scalpel-sharp.

“I led a mutiny,” he confessed. He hadn’t meant to tell her, but there it was. And now that he had begun, he wanted her to know everything. “I didn’t understand what was happening. All I knew was that we were running, when we should have been fighting. I had to do something!”

“Did you? Have to do something?”

He blinked, taken off guard. A moment ago he had wanted to de­fend himself, to make her see reason or at least understand his rea­soning. But suddenly all that fight was gone and reality hit him like a punch to the gut.

“No,” he admitted. “I’m a soldier and she was my commanding officer. All I had to do was trust.” He exhaled, instinctively wanting to sink farther into the floor, to hide from his own dishonor. He looked at her, eyes pleading for … not sympathy. Not even understanding. But something else. A second chance.


Poe sembra proprio essere chi erediterà il ruolo di comandante.


La Forza vista dal “collezionista”

Un altro estratto interessante è quello di Star Wars: Force Collector. 


“Let me show you something.”

Before Maize could either agree or protest, Karr pushed aside a curtain in his own bedroom to reveal a closet full of seemingly random objects from all walks of life: belts, staffs, blasters, comlinks, helmets, and more — all of it meticulously cataloged. Scribbled on the walls and shelves beneath the objects were erasable flimsiplast notes with dates, like he’d been trying to map out a whole galaxy using just this oddball collec­tion of stuff.

“Whoa!” she exclaimed. “Did you do all of this?”

He couldn’t tell if she was impressed or horrified. “Yeah.” He cocked his head toward the shelves that held his treasures. “And some of these things have shown me their past.”

Maize took a closer look. She gently picked up a kloo horn and turned it over in her hands. “How does it work?”

“Well, you’ve seen it in action. Sometimes I touch something and everything gets loud and … and both

bright and dark at the same time. It’s hard to explain. It’s sort of like being on fire, but then other things come through: voices, pictures, colors — and then … then I black out.”

“Sounds horrible.”

“It is, sometimes,” he said. “I’m still not sure what causes the flashes, but they’re always something big. It’s almost like some objects are witnesses and they want to tell me what they saw. Does that make sense?”

Maize looked at him blankly, so he decided to keep talking.

“Like this, for example,” he said, picking up a mouthpiece that looked so old it definitely shouldn’t go in anyone’s mouth. “This is an A99 aquata breather that belonged to a fishing merchant. The guy who sold it to me said that the merchant got it from a Jedi that used it for marine reconnaissance. I’d hoped it would show me something about the Jedi, but no matter how hard I concentrate, I can’t get it to zap me with a vision. So either it didn’t experience anything big —”

“Or the guy was pulling your leg,” she interjected.

“Pretty much.”

“There’s a lot of people out there who will take advantage of you, Karr.”

He ignored her and moved on. “But this, on the other hand …” He held up a wooden staff, or at least part of one. The top was a silver handle that looked like it had been smoothed in a furnace. The bottom was shattered and fragmented, indicating that it had been longer in its heyday. It was completely blackened and charred, but something kept it from crumbling.

“The first time I touched it, I passed out, fell down, and chipped a tooth.” He flashed her an oversized, slightly jagged smile. “I thought for sure it must’ve belonged to a Jedi, because it affected me so strongly, but in the vision, at least from what I could tell, the owner didn’t wear traditional Jedi garb and I didn’t see a lightsaber anywhere. What’s weird, though, is that he clutched the staff as if it was one … and I swear I could hear him mumbling about the Force. And he was in the middle of what I think was a big battle.”


Come già abbiamo visto in Bloodline, gli artefatti Jedi, dell’Impero e dei Sith sono oggetto di collezionismo. Vedremo se questo è solo un contorno, o c’è dietro qualche indizio che vedremo a fruizione più in là…

Edit: (A parte il fatto che la staffa che viene descritta nel finale sembra quella di Chirrut in Rogue One.)


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