
Resistance Reborn – Capitoli 1-10

Sinossi super concentrata:

Leia, dal Millenium Falcon, coordina le sue spie per cercare alleati per la causa della Resistenza. Da una parte abbiamo Zay Versio e Shriv Suurgav a cui viene dato il compito di cercare alleati anche tra quegli ex-imperiali che non si sono allineati col Primo Ordine. Dall’altra abbiamo Poe Dameron che cerca di fare ammenda del suo ammutinamento e va a cercare aiuto direttamente da Maz Kanata. Altri due piloti della Black Squadron, Temmin “Snap” Wexley e Karé Kun, vengono mandati a richiamare in servizio dei veterani della guerra contro l’Impero: Wedge Antilles e Norra Wexley. La Resistenza non ha solo bisogno di soldati, ma anche di leaders e loro sarebbero perfetti.

Per quello che riguarda il Primo Ordine, veniamo a sapere che sta incarcerando e facendo sparire oppositori politici già molto tempo. L’ufficiale del Primo Ordine Winshur Bratt, su Corellia, riceve le liste di tutti questi prigionieri politici, in più sarà responsabile di ricevere 15 “speciali” di cui dovrà occuparsi personalmente.

Leia, nel frattempo, si dirige con Rey, Finn, Rose e Chuwie verso Ryloth, in cerca di vecchi amici e alleati.


Appunti sparsi:

Corellia è sotto il dominio del Primo Ordine e le fabbriche di Coronet City sono usate per costruire le loro macchine da guerra. Zay Versio ha proprio il compito di sorvegliare cosa stanno costruendo, così da non avere la sorpresa di avere un StarKiller 2, come c’era stata una Morte Nera 2.

Ambientato pochi giorni dopo Crait, Leia soffre della sua esperienza di quasi morte nel vuoto spaziale. Il peso di tutto quello che ha perso, compreso Luke, la schiaccia. Si chiede perché nessuno ha risposto al suo richiamo.

She had been dreaming just now. The same dream that had plagued her since it happened. She was alone, cold, her body failing, her spirit lost, surrounded by the vast emptiness of space. In real life she had woken, and the Force had flared hot and alive in her. And it had brought her back, guided her to safety. But in the dream, she stayed suspended in the void. Failing her friends, her family, and the people she had vowed to lead. Failing her son most of all. Everyone she loved, dead.

Ci sono personaggi già apparsi altrove che tornano in questo libro: Jessika Pava, Karé Kun e Suralinda Javos (comics di Poe Dameron), Yendor (Lost Stars), Norra e Temmin “Snap” Wexley (trilogia Aftermath), Wedge Antilles (non ha bisogno di presentazioni), Zay Versio, figlia di Iden Versio (personaggio di Star Wars Battlefront II). Per ora solo menzionati: Hera Sindulla (Star Wars:Rebels) e Ransolm Casterfo (Bloodline)

Ritroviamo il dialogo che ci hanno già anticipato di Leia e Rey:

Leia nodded. “We’ve all experienced loss.”

Finally Rey met her gaze, a question lurking there. Perhaps she wants to talk about Luke, Leia thought. We spoke of him, but briefly. Just an acknowledgment that he was at peace in the end. But then Rey said…

“Kylo Ren. He’s your son…”

Ah. Leia nodded and drank from her now cooling cup. Rey squirmed uncomfortably in her seat.

“What happened to him?” she finally asked. “I mean, how did he turn to the dark side? He started in the light, didn’t he? He told me a story about Luke, about his training.” She exhaled. “I guess I just want to understand.”

“I do, too.”

“So you don’t know?”

“I think you would have to ask Ben what happened to him.”

“He wanted me to join him, but I couldn’t. I thought I could help him, but he only wanted me to become like him.”

Rey’s face fell, and Leia could see the pain etched there. The girl cared about Ben, and he had disappointed her. “Ben has made his choices,” Leia said. “No one can save Ben but himself. And I don’t know if that is what he wants.”

Rey nodded, a sharp dip of her chin. “I know that. I mean, rationally I know, but I guess I held out hope.”

“Hope is good,” Leia said, her voice gentle with understanding. “Hope is important, and sometimes it is all we have. But,” she said, smiling, “what does hope have to do with being rational?” She held out her hand and Rey leaned forward and took it, pressing her palm to Leia’s and squeezing.

“I don’t know how I’m going to do this,” Rey whispered quietly.

“But you will do it,” Leia said, her voice a little louder, filled with a little more steel. “And you won’t be alone. We will be here with you.”

Rey seemed to steady, and a smile blossomed briefly, her first since she’d arrived.

Devo commentarlo? No, dai non serve ^____^!

La resistenza è talmente disperata che cerca possibilità anche tra gli ex-imperiali. Leia non si fa molti scrupoli:

Leia hadn’t imagined ex-Imperials would be the allies she needed, but it looked like their options were thinning.


Leia would never hold someone’s past against them. She had enough demons in her family tree to guarantee she was not one to judge.


“Former Imperial,” Suralinda countered. “And you know a lot of those have no love for the upstart First Order. Maybe we can make them an offer.”

“We’re not bribing people to—”

“No, no.” Suralinda cut him off. “I’m talking about a good story. A chance at redemption, to make up for the evils the Empire committed.”

“They’re likely a sympathizer,” Jess complained, but her voice had softened a bit.

“Or it’s just as likely they’re horrified by what happened to the Hosnian system and worried about anyone having something like Starkiller Base at their disposal ever again. Some of these Imperials were just caught up in the machinery, you know. They’re not all evil.”

Jess rolled her eyes. “Are you kidding me?”

“Jess,” Poe said, gently. “Suralinda might have a point. Not that these people aren’t responsible for their crimes, but they might have something to offer the Resistance, and something the Resistance can offer them in turn.” Even as he said it, the words struck close to home. Was he talking about former Imperials, or was he talking about himself?

“Redemption?” she said, eyes cutting to Suralinda. “As if they deserve it.”

“Not redemption,” Poe said. “Penance.”

Jess quieted. They all did, likely wondering what it would take to atone for crimes as dark and horrifying as those the Empire had committed, wondering if they could judge when none of them had spotless hands


Questa differenza tra redenzione e fare penitenza è importantissima e sono sicura non sia buttata lì a caso.

Interessante è il punto di vista di Leia sui membri più giovani della Resistenza. Partiamo da Rose:

She’s invested, Leia observed silently, and looking for connection. They were good qualities, and she made a note to herself to encourage Rose’s interest. Rose was still impulsive, as her unauthorized mission to Canto Bight evidenced, but she was competent and genuine and, most important, she cared. She’s someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, Leia thought. Young, emotionally vulnerable, but infinitely likable. And she reminds me a bit of Luke.

Leia knew Lieutenant Connix well, although she was disappointed that she had supported Poe’s actions on the Raddus. She should have known better, but Poe was convincing, and Leia understood Connix had meant well. She was an asset to their cause, and Leia was glad she was here, but she needed to make amends for her role in Poe’s mutiny.

She didn’t have as solid a reading on Finn, but Poe vouched for him and that mattered. She knew Finn was brave, and it was a bravery hard-won. He was one of the First Order’s orphans, a participant in a horrific program meant to instill ultimate obedience into child soldiers. Finn had somehow retained his humanity despite the conditioning, and once he had seen the opportunity, he had fled the First Order. Along the way he had become part of the Resistance, but Leia wasn’t sure where his heart lay. She guessed somewhere with his friends Poe, Rey, and Rose. And why not? If they weren’t fighting for their friends, what were they fighting for?

Maz sembra non voler aiutare Poe all’inizio, fa un po’ la preziosa, ma poi gli dà un’informazione estremamente importante:

“We’ve long suspected that the First Order has been taking children and disappearing people on the margins of the galaxy. But things are escalating now: arresting people on phony trumped-up charges. Small crimes that they’ve blown up into capital offenses, or charges simply fabricated out of nothing. People going missing in the dead of night, their families having no idea what happened to them. Nighttime raids or picked up off the streets and”—Maz made a gesture, spreading her fingers wide—“vanished. And the people most likely to disappear? People with ties to the old rebellion. And interestingly enough, we’re seeing it with some old Imperials, as well. Those who have been outspoken about their distaste for the First Order, but also those who have remained neutral. Anyone who might pose a threat, now or down the line.”

Poe frowned. It was disturbing but didn’t surprise him. The First Order thrived on abusing power. “Do you think that’s what’s happened to Leia’s allies? They’re not answering because they can’t? They’ve been arrested?”

Maz shrugged. “Maybe. Possibly. But the First Order used to do it in secret. Now they don’t bother. They snatch people off the streets and don’t even pretend to have whatever planet they’ve infiltrated hold a sham trial. Just death or labor camps.”

“Labor camps?”

“Someone has to build all those fancy new ships, eh?”

Poe chewed the inside of his cheek, thoughtful. “Thanks, Maz. Leia will want to know about this.”

“Yes, I thought she might. Rumor has it that there’s a list somewhere of all the people they’ve taken. A big list. No one’s seen it, but I’ve got people chasing it down. I hear something definitive, I’ll call you.”

Questa è, per ora, la cosa che mi è sembrata più interessante. Ci spiegherebbe il perché del silenzio alla richiesta di aiuto di Leia su Crait. Pensando al trailer di TROS e a tutti quegli Star Destroyer (e pensando che proprio su uno di quelli ci cavalcheranno su Finn e Jannah) forse qualche ex-imperiale passerà davvero dalla loro parte.

C’è un altro momento di confidenza penosa per Leia, ed è su Ryloth con Yendor, quando poi gli chiederà rifornimenti e un posto sicuro.

“Luke is gone,” Leia said quietly, and that one hurt a lot, after all.

Yendor glanced up. “You mean…?”


The Twi’lek leaned back in his chair. “So there are no more Jedi.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Leia said. She gave Rey a reassuring smile, but the young woman only looked at her like a frightened skittermouse. Yendor watched the exchange curiously.

“I’m afraid I’ve forgotten your name,” he said to Rey.

“I’m Rey,” she said quickly. “I’m just a junker from Jakku.”

“I doubt that if you’re with Princess Leia.”

“Or I was. Now I’m…a pilot.”

Yendor gestured expansively. “A pilot is someone,”


“She was also Luke’s apprentice,” Leia said, laying a hand on Rey’s arm.

Yendor looked even more impressed. “Well, that’s someone, Rey of Jakku. That’s someone, indeed.”

Rey flushed scarlet and took a gulp of her tea. She choked briefly and quickly set the cup down. She pressed a hand to her mouth, coughing hard.

“Are you all right?” Charth asked, leaning forward.

“Fine,” she said, coughing again.

Rey è ancora abbastanza insicura in questi primi capitoli. All’inizio
ha difficoltà a dormire e è ancora scossa da quello successo su Crait.
Si vede che deve ancora prendere le misure del suo nuovo ruolo di ultima Jedi. Non si vuole presentare così, non si sente pronta o all’altezza. Leia è
comunque orgogliosa di vederla ai comandi del Falcon e sa che Han approverebbe. La
ragazza è stata anche costretta a improvvisare nomi e scopi quando
vengono intercettati col Falcon su Ryloth: una imbarazzante
conversazione che può rivaleggiare solo con le invenzioni raffazzonate
di Han quando finge ^__^.

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