Why Ben Solo Alive Was Cut Out In Editing Very Last Minute


and where is this scene: Allegedly the ending Daisy said only her, Naomi and Driver knew


Why the cast was describing it as: hopeful, and believing you would leave the theatre feeling happier. A satisfying end to the Skywalker’s they said.

Exactly, something seems way off. There was a leak from earlier this year:

How does Ben and Rey’s story end?”

“They are on Tatooine. I have no description what happens just that they filmed the scene on Tats with Ridley and Driver with skeleton crew and that it’s the last scene in the movie (filmed out of order BTW as Jordan stood for Tats and Pasana)”….

Also – the cover of the VF magazine, I believe the sunset behind them represents the binary sunset on Tatooine, I believe the ending was them together looking at it.

JJ Abrams talks about how he doesn’t like killing characters: “Look, no one wants a character to die, and yet, I know that when we had Kylo Ren kill Han Solo, that was done only because Harrison [Ford] always knew that there needed to be utility for the character, and he had famously always wanted Han to die and serve that purpose.”

Also – Adam hardly did any promotional stuff, no interviews, at the premiere – no interviews, no press, the only person he talked to was a girl who was holding TLJ novelization in her hands. He walked up to her, signed it and talked to her. I think that says a lot about how Adam feels about all these choices made.




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