The aspiring Sith let his last bit of light slip away when he drove his janky, handmade lightsaber into the heart of his father, Han Solo. But there was no victory for Kylo Ren as he sank into the abyss.

Instead, he was humiliated. By a scavenger girl, of all things.

“He’s definitely been knocked off base,” says The Last Jedi writer-director Rian Johnson says. “The defeat that he had at the end of The Force Awakens, but even bigger than that, his huge defining act which, spoiler alert, is the murder of his father… that’s the more interesting thing to dive into. How has hedealt with that in his head? Where is he at in terms of that act and what does that mean for him?”

Johnson said Ben Solo’s shift to darkness is symbolic of “the treacherous road through adolescence” that Star Wars often explores.

“Kylo represents kind of the rebellious anger that you feel during that period. Honestly, sometimes it’s a healthy desire to push away from the place that you know, from the things that you came from. But he obviously does it in an extreme that’s not healthy at all.”

He said Kylo and Rey are “two halves of the dark and the light.”

Among their shared interests: She is an expert pilot, and in this film well see him maneuvering his own starship, the TIE Silencer, which is a variation on his grandfather, Darth Vader’s old ship.


Yes. He’s back. In a way.

Kylo Ren’s murder of Han Solo also makes Rey’s contempt for him much more personal. He’s no longer just a random madman terrorizing the galaxy. Rey has a grudge: He stole from her the father-figure she’d been searching for her whole life.

“She just doesn’t understand Kylo,” Daisy Ridley says. “When all she wanted was parents, why would a person who has parents do that? It’s so beyond comprehension, it’s ridiculous. So she has grief for the loss and then there’s anger. To be honest, she couldn’t understand doing something like that – let alone to your parents.”

Although his character is no more, Han Solo’s legacy lives on.

“Han, the ghost of – well, not literally,” Johnson says, interrupting himself with a laugh. “I don’t want to misguide. I have to be very careful with my words here. But a figurative ghost of Han had to be present throughout this entire film.”


EW finalmente parla anche di Kylo Ren… info importanti per noi reylo!

I punti salienti: a quanto pare, la morte di Han Solo avrà importanti ripercussioni in the last jedi, sia per Kylo Ren, sia per Rey, sia nelle loro interazioni. La discesa di Ben verso il lato oscuro simboleggia il periodo della ribellione/ dell’adolescenza, tema che spesso viene trattato in SW. Daisy afferma che Rey non capisce le motivazioni di un gesto così estremo, in quanto una famiglia è tutto ciò che abbia sempre desiderato (attenzione: non si parla di odio da parte di Rey verso Kylo).

E infine: Kylo e Rey sono due metà dell’oscurità e della luce (esatte parole del regista Rian Johnson), che addirittura hanno alcuni interessi in comune, come essere abili piloti (!!!!!!!)

Non so voi, ma queste parole mi fanno pensare solo ad un redemption arc per Kylo e ad una concreta possibilità per il reylo!

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