
“All the credit goes to the actors and the stunt guys because we had an amazing stunt team, and then Adam and Daisy worked their butts off for the entire prep and the entire shoot up until that point just training and training and training, and what that meant was that they were in such great shape—I mean you could see how great in shape Adam was in the movie—they were in such great shape that I didn’t have to put the camera in a long lens and jangle it around and chop it up in order to cover up [like] ‘oh they’re not really fighting.’ They could really do it.”

Rian Johnson on the amazing lightsaber fight sequence with Rey and Kylo in The Last Jedi

“Tutto il merito va agli attori e agli stunts, perchè abbiamo avuto un team stupendo. Adam e Daisy si sono impegnati al massimo per l’intera preparazione e per quando abbiamo girato, fino al punto che era solo: allenamento, allenamento e allenamento. Questo significa che erano in spledida forma, insomma si vede in che meravigliosa forma fosse Adam nel film, ed erano così in forma che non ho dovuto fare inquadrature da lontano o girarci intorno o tagliare scene per coprire il fatto che ‘oh, non stanno veramente combattendo’… Loro lo facevano davvero.”

Rian Johnson sul combattimento di Rey e Kylo in Gli Ultimi Jedi

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