
Grab your tinfoil hats my dudes, its time to go down the SW rabbit hole

So in light of all the chaos we’ve seen come out post TROS about behind the scenes stuff and clearly a poorly slapped together film, i wanted to try and put together a timeline of major leak updates and interviews that came out over the past year.

This timeline itself makes no conclusions (okay maybe a couple of conspiracy hints) but I tried to keep it straight so people can see if it supports or not some of the bigger theories going around:

January 2019:

Earrrrly leaks from this month include: Ben flies the falcon, Mark filmed with Daisy and Adam, a baby ben was cast (but this was all very unsure)

Adam promoting The Report:

What was it like finishing that chapter…saying goodbye to this character?

“Dan Jones? Dan Jones. Dan Jones has an interesting theory about Star Wars.”

** looks absolutely terrified to be talking about SW at all. won’t even say if they’re done filming (they weren’t).

February: finished filming first time around (Feb 15 post by JJ)

This was when Adam had that moment on the plane where he was in total shock, felt like crying, and was worried about his last lines. “You have six hours to think about your last shot. Did I get it right? Was this line right?”


April 6: leaks about the Oracle surface, around the same time rumor that the title was going to be “Will of the Force"


generally a lot of buzz and excitement “satisfying”

4.17: ABC News with the cast

Oscar: “We’re in the movie and we don’t even know how it actually ends.”

Daisy: “I heard something different, and it was all sort of developing as we went. So I was surprised. But it felt, for me, very satisfying.”

Only daisy and Naomi raised their hands when asked about the ending



“I thought it was going to be Star Wars: Heirs to the Force….Bearing in mind that I’m a part of it, but there were certain changes to the script while we’re filming and I’m not in a lot of the scenes that Rey has with Kylo Ren. So my curiosity just hit the roof.”

Daisy: “He is a skywalker…[jokes] he just keeps rising…with his top on.”


KK: You know there’s an appropriate time. We’re using this appropriate time as an opportunity to see where we’re going, now that we’re leaving the Skywalker saga behind. But there’s no question that there’s certain characters that we’ve created, certainly in the last three movies, that we may very well want to see down the line in the future.

By april 19: Force Flash fights were rumored to feature a kylo/rey team up against a third being “in a dark cloak", *through* time and space

April 28: the Matt Smith as young palpatine/palpatine slave rumors are rampant

May 22 article:

“An overall arc was very, not vague, the opposite, it was very clear [there was] an end in sight even from the very beginning. The details obviously hadn’t been worked out, but we had talked about the very thing that we’d been working towards with this last one.”— Adam (compared to his PRESS DAY interviews where he stresses he only knew the beginning of Kylo’s arc.)

August: D23 // first leaks of the acts start coming out

Aug 26. 2019

“The ending is the ending. It’s been really unusual in that the editing process has been — much of what we have in the third act is what we’ve always had. And that’s not always the case.” — JJ

“I think this ending will be less controversial” than GOT — Daisy Ridley

”JJ told me what was gonna happen, and then he changed his mind….The script was shifting and developing as we were doing it….Things were added…because he said they had a very cool idea.”- DR

“I think he most important thing to take from that whole snippet [dark rey] is just that the ending of this film is going to be really groundbreaking in a good way.”- KMT

Leaks of Rey being “a product” of palpatine first coming out:

  • In these, Rey’s time on Ach-To was bc she feared the dark side in herself (bc of the vision and bc she almost killed Kylo ten)
  • Luke is with Leia when she dies. “Luke has one last lesson for her.”
  • “Ben solo appears and joins forces with Rey, attack the Emperor with Rey and Ben sharing both Skywalker lightsabers but eventually get overpowered and results in the death of Ben Solo.” Luke and Leia come back to help rey beat palpatine.
  • “Final shot shows our heroes looking up into the twin suns on tatooine.”

September – more solid full leaks coming out

Sept 2: Lars Homestead/Rey Skywalker

Sept 13 — the report about filming in scottland

sept 17 ish: first act solid (they cut the oracle stuff) and palpatine was later in the film. Adam talked a lot about working with Ian, and they didn’t have a tone of screen time in the movie BUT according to these leaks, Palpatine was seducing Kylo with the idea of the dyad. On Exegol there is the part where Palpatine sucks their life force and palpatine coming back to life

[Palpatine’s plan makes so much more sense in this version of the leaks. He knows there’s a bond and he wants it to restore himself to life. Which makes sense with the “the power of two restores the one” “your coming together will be your undoing”

“Palpatine wants to kill you” “What palpatine doesn’t know is we’re a dyad in the force.” were all voice overs by Adam i dont think we actually see him say these things.]

Sept 21: act 2 of TROS is pretty similar to what we got (if not *more* kylo involved)

PIT was a thing by Sept 26ish

sept 28:

Different convo about Luke/Leia and Rey needing to go defeat palpatine like he did with vader. Also Luke was in conversation with Leia during the movie and was with her when she died bc he needed to teach her one more thing. The Luke/Leia training mentions Leia stops bc she was pregnant.

a different version of the fight scene — no lightsaber pass. Ben convinces rey not to kill palps. Palps sucks their life force. PIT. Rey /Luke/Leia defeat palpatine.

This one (from JP) notes that ben “supposedly” dies and acknowledges others report “kinda sorta dies” but its also around the “never to be seen again” so ben’s death was always MESSY

This had the group end on tatootine. (I’m curious in light of the new conspiracy that Poe and Finn saw Ben, if at first the secret is Ben comes to see the gang on the resistance base and they *all* go to tatooine. the leaks say *seemingly* kill him.)

July?(whenever adam wrapped on Burn This) – October (finished on the 10th): reshoots

There was some points about skeleton crews filming — on reddit? Someone said it was a tattooine scene dated in July

we know included: Rey/trio post battle, Rey/Luke stuff, something on Exegol,

October 10 leaks:

Changes/new details according to JP: Luke/Leia training was in the opening but cut. It would have been the signal coming from Exegol.

All things Oracle removed (which explains why we saw stills of it in the Art Of book. shit was filmed)

Kylo was supposed to hear Luke and Han on Mustafar when finding the way finder.

The rey training scenes closer to what we actually got.

Major changes to the Kylo/Palpatine scenes on Exegol. Kylo is more threatening. It’s still longer than what we get in the movie but Palpatine doesn’t mention the dyad.

Kylo’s conversation with Rey about her parents convoluted plan to save her by selling her and got in the way of Palpatine’s assassins.

Luke no longer with Leia when she dies. // All of Ach-To reshot to what we saw most likely.

Light saber pass! (theres a lot missing about what ben is up to/what happens to him in this one)

Rey still defeats Palps by herself, no jedi ghosts helping but the voices are there to help.

Run time was 155.

Oct 31: Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo death leaked. Pretty accurate last 30 minutes of the movie. Only thing missing was Rey’s death and Ben reviving her. But a lot of folks were missing that piece for a while, until December.

November: editing month

From twitter: Jeremy account (a supposed tie to LFL, been defending some of the TROS delays) “JJ made significant edits to TROS between September and the release date.”

Nov. 8: Popcorn interview where he sang “leaving on a jet plane”

Nov 9 interview Daisy: 2 ½ weeks were spent filming in Jordan.

“There was a sense that touched me a lot,” she said. “It was our last day shooting in Jordan and the natural light was fading. And it was so exciting. It was just a short scene, we filmed very fast, but the crew was shaken in a way I had not seen before. And I thought, ‘My God, if this is people’s immediate reaction when the scene isn’t even ready, imagine what it will be like to see it in the movies, with the John Williams soundtrack and all that.”

Nov. 11: John William cut is leaked, noting it was before the final cut.

It included things like “approaching the nursey” in the beginning. Rey training was before Kylo entrance. (given the cuts it almost looks like the scenes were cut back and forth but I’m not sure).

It is *after* the spy and light speed skipping cues that we get “The Emperor Lives” very close to the cue for “Rey’s mission” and “Quicksand”

Around the third act on Exegol cues are in this order: “I am all the with”/// “On their knees” // “Success and sliding” // “A Dropping the Sabre” // “Ben to Rey” “Horn Solo” “End Credits” “Return to Tattooine”

Nov. 14:

Daisy told ET TROS in 4 words: “dark, scary, sad, and joyful.”

Notably…no leaks in november from the usual ppl…

This is when the whispers of the test screenings and various versions of the movie started floating around (in the beginning of the month)

Nov. 19th (but filmed a day or two before most likely): Adam on Colbert, says what JJ and CT did was “I have to say…something really unique and rare.”

Nov. 20th: Adam had to record new lines for MASKED Kylo Ren in his closet bc they were being rewritten (according to latest from Sleemos account)

Nov. 20: Adam on Seth Meyers (left immediately from the recording session), was acting a bit stiff in the start of the interview. Didn’t talk about SW at all besides the OMAZE thing.

Nov. 24: JJ finishes the *final* cut of TROS

“talked to him on the phone 25 days out from the 9th film….I know you just finished the movie as of last night. Has anyone seen the finished project?”

“Oh yeah, yeah. Sure, I mean the final final? No. I mean the truth is, I have not even gotten to see the final product. [you do two mixes 1. visual 2. audio] Then you’re still putting pieces together in your head, but of course I’ve shown it at a friends and family screening, but we’ve never done a like a test screening.”

This interview is cited a lot as shutting down the test screening rumors but notice he says “I mean the final, final? No.” Of course not. He just finished it.

Run time was 141. (lost 14 minutes)


12.2: first leak

Kylo opening on Exegol is what we have in TROS. More information on Snoke, (the pickle jar is mentioned for the first time)

12.3: Galaxy Edge press day

ET Interview: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Cast Says Goodbye | Full Interview


“We haven’t watched it yet” — JB

Extra TV interview: J.J. Abrams & Cast on ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’: An Emotional Moment, Lost Script and More

0:43 they defer to JJ

Livestream: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Livestream Q&A


“What was your reaction to the end of the movie?”

*chaos ensues*

Meanwhile, Adam is in San Francisco getting an award that night. Visiting Presidio LFL Headquarters for the *very* first time. And then Skywalker Ranch.

12.3: Richard E. Grant says he’s seen the movie and was moved to tears. JB announced on 12.2 they were watching the final cut of the movie for the first time.

12.4: OFFICIAL PRESS DAY – massive press conference & individual interviews

12.4: First leak noting changes “in particular for Kylo Ren”

Kylo healed by Rey (force healing was leaked back in Sept) on DS2, Han scene, Palpatine plot is what we get in TROS. “A new details that wasn’t previously known” was the Ben force healing Rey t bring her back to life, sacrificing his own. Though in this leak it happens *before* Ben in thrown into the pit.

Fox 5 interview: Kevin Smith going to set. Said he was told not to go to the final shot of the movie

“I do know there was thing that he may have gone to look at that wasn’t necessarily the final shot, but it was the end of the movie…but I can see why…It wouldn’t have broken him.” — JJ

[In Dec 2018: Kevin Smith saw a “career best” performance and was warned away from the final shot that will “melt your mind.”]

12.10: Full movie leaks, 100% accurately.

12.18: PREMIER

— Kelly face, Daisy “crying” interview, Adam MIA

12.24: a 4chan person said they were at a test screening and Ben only passed out not dead and they went to a castle


Hell on earth for Reylos.

CT confuses us more with his explanations.

JJ admits everything was done by the seam of his pants.

Adam is a coy bastard at the Santa Barbara film festival (1.18): First time since November that he’s talked about SW at length in any real capacity. and he’s either high as a kite or his tell is showing.

TROS Novelization delayed to 3.17

Art of Book delayed 2 months.

Art of Book released in Korea. Confirmed by LFL to be the same book released worldwide. Book gets recalled and destroyed a week later.

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